Monday 17 September 2012

Watford & Chalfont workers push to raise money for local charity

A Watford charity has and will continue to receive a boost to its fundraising efforts thanks to staff from a local business.

Staff from Citygate Volkswagen in Watford and Chalfont are training for this year’s Push for Peace event – a five-mile assault course taking place at Cassiobury Park on Sunday 23rd September to raise vital funds via sponsorship for the Peace Hospice.

The Hospice has organised the event and Citygate recently presented the charity with a cheque for £500 to help cover the cost of water that will be given to participants on the day.

Two teams of five Citygate workers will be crawling, climbing, jumping, swinging, and defying the elements on the energetic adventure, combining a five mile race with assault course-style obstacles.

The teams are currently in training as they’ve been warned that they’ll need to tackle cargo nets, wire crawls and break through barriers with lashings of mud and water along the route.

Emily Leigh-Dugmore, charity and community manager at Citygate who organised the company team said: “Peace Hospice is a phenomenal cause and being on our doorstep means that we want to raise as much money for the charity as we can.

“I’m really proud of the whole team and their determination to complete the assault course and I hope that our fundraising will help raise awareness of Peace Hospice and the valuable work it does across the region.”

The Peace Hospice, based in Watford, cares for people living with a life limiting or terminal illness and supports their families from across South West Hertfordshire. It provides inpatient care, day care, an outpatient service, a hospice at home service as well as bereavement support.

The Hospice needs to raise £3.8 million of charitable income this year in order to run and develop its services. All the care that the Hospice provides to its patients and their families is free.

Anyone who would like to support Citygate’s fundraising efforts can do so my calling Emily Leigh-Dugmore on 01923 255 055.

Pictured (l to r): Citygate’s Adam Baker, sales executive, Jake Mason, sales executive, Scott Mills, parts advisor and Kevin Grace, service advisor